E tu che ci fai lí?

giugno 2nd, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Serbia - (8 Comments)

Veduta del fiume Sava dalla fortezza

Appena arrivato in citta` mi imbatto in due enormi palazzi collassati nel mezzo: e` il risultato dei bombardamenti NATO del 1999. Non ho fatto foto, ma potete farvi un`idea qui.

Il muro di cinta della fortezza

Costumi tradizionali balcanici al museo etnografico

Il Danubio visto dalla fortezza; sullo sfondo palazzoni dell`epoca comunista.

What are you doing there?
I know, that`s what someone will think after reading this stop.
I`m in… Belgrade!
Some guys met in Bratislava told me very well about the city, so whe I arrived in Pécs I thought about it. Come on, it`s only a little bit out of the route to Romania…
View of the Sava river from the fortress

Just arrived in town I come across two huge buildings collapsed in the middle: is the result of NATO bombing in 1999. I didn`t take pics of that, but you can take a look here.

The walls of the fortress

Traditional balkans costumes in the etnographic museum

The Danube viewed by the fortress; on the background huge buildings from the communist era

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