La capitale della cultura

maggio 30th, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Ungheria - (1 Comments)

Pécs, in south of Hungary, is one of the European capital of culture in 2010. Banners and brochures everywhere to publicize it.
Blessed with a Mediterranean climate it brings me luck: the good weather finally arrives!

In addition to its long history (in the past it has been an important Roman colony under the name of Sopianae) even this city counts some good wines. And it ran into an event which brings together groups from all around the world.
Folklore in Pecs

Of course there are typical markets with local craftsmen:

And then there are the buildings, many of them of baroque-style:
The main square

Some houses

Another view of the main square

Finally, after visiting some museum and the remains of one of the most major paleo-christian cemetery outside Italy, I run into a guitar concert.

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… e poi il lago Balaton

maggio 26th, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Ungheria - (5 Comments)

This period is not the right one and the weather is not a stimulus, but in Balatofured, verdant village, aristocratic-looking, on the north shore of Balaton Lake, you can see first holiday-makers as soon as the sun puts out the snout from cloud.

A half-hour by bus there`s Tihany, a quaint village located on a peninsula in Lake Balaton, great for a walk. Before the ravenous hordes of invading Germans.
Chiesa di Tihany
Tihany church

Tetto di una casa a Tihany
A particular roof of a house in Tihany

Ristorante a Tihany
The entrance of a restaurant in Tihany

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