Aleppo, la citta’

settembre 26th, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Siria



Facade of a house in Aleppo


Almost all the houses in Aleppo are highly decorated, in the walls, the balconies, doors and gates.  

Detail of an entrance


Facade of a house in Aleppo

The clock tower of Aleppo

A terrace


And that is the famous soap made with olive oil and laurel oil. The original is handmade and ripened. The more is seasoned, the best the quality is. It comes up to eight years of seasoning.  

The famous olive oil soap, handmade


Here’s an interesting way to display their wares:

Selling bread in the street


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2 Responses

  • robby says:

    ke meraviglia……………..

  • morena says:

    che meraviglia quel palazzo! il pane appeso in strada come i tappetini delle auto ad asciugare invece fa una certa impressione, lol!
    sai che il sapone l’ho fatto anch’io? pero’ non con l’olio d’oliva, noi lo facemmo col grasso animale e gia’ era venuto bene: quello con l’olio d’oliva dev’essere ottimo, mi sa che ti lascia una pelle fantasticamente morbida… peccato che sei lontanuccio, senno’ passavo di la’ a prenderne un pezzetto, ehehe

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