Remember me
To reach the monastery of Mar Musa, in Nabek I hitchhiked: just raised my hand a car stopped; the owner dropped me right to the stairs, three kilometers far from the main road. Before saying goodbye he showed me a bill of 100 syrian pounds. I thought he was asking them as payment, instead he was giving me that. On my first feeling of bewilderment and wonder and then a bit of emotion: I wanted to remember him when I returned to Italy. Objective achieved, Mr. Fadi.
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Beh, un gran passo in avanti: sei riuscito a passare per barbone in Siria. :D
Era troppo bello e smieloso, ci voleva qualcuno che lo demolisse con una cagata insensibile :)
E tu di quella roba te ne intendi alla grande! :D
Comunque bella battuta: ti sei per caso dato all’alcool? :D
ai smesso… pensavi che fosse tutta roba naturale?